My closest cousin is in town. She's from Oklahoma, and has set a world record for my family in coming to Dallas three--count 'em, THREE--times this year. Unfortunately, two of these three times were under less than desirable circumstances. I'm so happy that, this time, she's just here to visit and relax.
We're off to have some shopping fun in Waxahachie tomorrow. My cousin's never been there, and I'm looking forward to showing her the gingerbread houses and exploring the antique stores. Watch out, Texas...two unattached women on the loose with credit cards!!
I'll post pictures after our little adventure, but for now...a malamute glamour shot! Juneau also wants you to know that the picture I posted earlier this week has gained quite the following on the website Flickr. It was chosen for their Explore feature, a daily round-up of the most interesting photos posted to the site. Naturally, he thinks the honor is well-deserved! What a ham!