Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

To all the mothers out there--happy Mother's Day!  You have one of the hardest, most thankless jobs on earth, and yet one of the most rewarding. 
I would also like to say a special thank you to my own mom, even though she isn't around to read this.  I like to think that somehow, someway, she knows what I'm saying and how much I still love and appreciate her!

In her honor, here are some of my favorite things about her:

1.  She was a talented quilter.  She had made a few tacked quilts before my dad passed away, but when he died, she started quilting in earnest.  She was a member of her church's quilting group, and entered several quilts in competitions.  For every competition she entered, she won a ribbon.  In one instance, she won Best of Show

2.  Not only was she a talented quilter, but she could also paint china, sew clothes, embroider, crochet, and carve wood.  Basically, everything she ever tried, she mastered!  Honestly, it was quite daunting growing up in her shadow. 

3.  A long-time smoker, she quit cold turkey in 1989.  However, she always kept a pack of cigarettes in the house, as though to prove to herself that they could be there, yet she didn't need them. 

4.  She was my Brownie (Girl Scout) leader--and was an amazing one (naturally).

5.  Most of my life, my mom was 6 feet tall and weighed 110 pounds.  By the time I was in middle school, I was too big to wear her clothes.  Obviously, I did not inherit her body type!

6.  She loved to clean house.  Yep, she loved cleaning! 

7.  She really enjoyed working in the yard too.  We always had the prettiest yard on the block.

8.  She loved dogs, and dogs loved her.  That was why I was so shocked that Poquito didn't take to her right away.  Of course, it had nothing to do with her, but it was still surprising.  I was so relieved when he finally cozied up to her.

9.  She liked to read, but she did not love to read, so it usually took a back seat to her other hobbies.  She much preferred to work with her hands. 

10.  If you can't tell from everything I've written, mom was pretty much a "Super Mom," and not only that, she was a super mom.  As I always used to tell her, "You're the best mom I've ever had!" 


Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Relay for Life

This past Saturday, I participated in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.  This is my third Relay, and the first where I was actually cold!  Usually, we are all burning up.  Not this time; by 9 pm, it was in the low 50s, which doesn't seem that cold until you're out in it.  We were all bundled up like a bunch of mummies!
It was gratifying to see the number of people wearing purple shirts (meaning that they're a cancer survivor).  On one hand, it's kind of depressing to know that that many people have or have had cancer, but on the other hand it's nice to know that they are still around to attend an event such as this. 
If you'd like to donate to this very worthy cause, it's not too late.  Here's the link:  Relay for Life--Garland--2013.  All money received goes to the ACS to find a cure!