Saturday, September 07, 2013

An Attentive Audience

It's no secret that I don't cook at home a lot...or ever.  Being married for nearly a decade to the pickiest eater on the planet sort of soured me on the thought of having to cook every night, and so I've gotten out of the habit.
Lately, however, I've tired of restaurant food.  So, for the second time in a week, I've cooked at home.  And not only did I cook, I grilled!  Hamburgers were the order of the day.

Yes, I cooked enough to share with the dogs! 

They were a very attentive audience while waiting for me to share.  Sitka was there too, of course, but refused to hold still for a photo.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Sibling Rivalry

After Juneau and Sitka had a little spat this afternoon--during which Sitka was nominally the top dog--Juneau decided to get a little revenge on her:

She was peacefully lying in front of the fan, and Juneau came along and shoved himself in between her and the fan!
Just like having two year olds.